
Showing posts from July, 2020



Next morning, the sun was already up when we finally awoke. We could feel the cold, that was exactly why we woke up in the first place. Even in the summer the temperature could go down enough to find ice every morning in the water supply. However, since sun rises early in this region we could still use water since the ice had already began melting.     We began exploring the house. It was the biggest house we ever got as our accommodation. Originally an officers mess, it had been converted into a family accommodation. It consisted of four bedrooms, a large, heavily furnished living room, a drying area and a shed  for setting up lungar  during festivals. In our backyard, there was space that we could use during festivals and during tea time. The whole backyard was full of trees and vegetation.                                                          Next to the backyard a river flowed noisily with the water gushing and striking its bank with heavy force. One thing I must warn you about